Thursday, 16 August 2012

Update from Corporate Marketing Team


Dear SpeakAsians,

This is a clarification for all the members of the SpeakAsia Family in Bangladesh.

It has been reported in a couple of blog sites that two companies namely Reliance E-Biz Ltd and E-Haatbazaar (website ) are claiming to be associated with SpeakAsia Online Pte Ltd. And that the existing RP of the members will adjusted by these two new companies.

We wish to categorically state that SpeakAsia Online Pte Ltd. has no connection with the above mentioned entities in any manner whatsoever. Furthermore the company has not authorized any of the above mentioned organization to redeem or consume the RP earned by the members in SAOL.

For any official communication or update from the management, please follow our official blog site

Warm Regards,
SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team

Friday, 3 August 2012

Update from Corporate Marketing Team


Dear SpeakAsians,

On the application of SpeakAsia, the Honorable Bombay High Court has instructed to The Reserve Bank of India to study the business model of SpeakAsia and give its opinion in 8 weeks time.

We hope that this be a step towards resuming our operations at the earliest. 

Warm Regards,
SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team